I know I am not a paying customer , but I really would appreciate a short list of safety measures , or the name of a book to read about this . Many of us have stories to maintain , and a lot of times , the problem is a parasite attached to a very beautiful loving and strong reality . How to free the parasite from the healthy whole ? One time , I happened to be in a helicopter flying over the ocean in Oahu , and we looked down and there was a huge female tiger shark writing on a rock that was coming up out of the water . Later , I realized that she was massaging herself free from the stuck on creatures - it was an amazing sight . But , she was not damaging herself during the process . That is what I need to do .

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Author

I mean, it's kind of a big question. But generally integration is the key, as opposed to trying to get rid of bits of ourselves that we don't like.

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It is a big question , and lately I have been into acceptance of the situation , if you do have any idea , let me know .

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It can be useful to realise that our mind is a structure that we've built since infancy over rocky ground. Working under the surface, getting into Bioenergetics, is generally better than trying to work things out mentally in my experience.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Devaraj Sandberg

When we can be ok with those bad feelings, they start to fade.

I liken it to a gorilla in us that wants to protect us, even from ourselves. Make friends with the gorilla and he will know who the real boss is, "I" or what not.

Or you can think of these memory parasites as helpers that shielded you from facing something you couldn't handle at the time.

Sometimes it can come out as a random cry to something or just a down feeling. Be ok feeling that way and remind yourself that it will pass.

The more you watch these uncomfortable feelings and sensations, they start integrating with you, instead of sequestering information.

I have found a few things that help a lot in opening buried things in myself... It's non linear, sometimes you'll get nothing for a while and then it'll flood out on a lazy Sunday....

-Devaraj's exercises

-Qi gong https://youtube.com/@holdenqigong

-Feldenkrais exercises https://youtube.com/@taroiwamoto

Relaxing non verbal music... My form of mediation

And generally trying to figure out myself but without haste, just take it as it comes... I don't beat myself up anymore about the progress and it happens naturally.

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I think that alot of people do not want to move the energy because they are afraid of what is going to happen to them when they do become free of the constraint of stuck beliefs . Incongruous stories often become made clear inside of big energy shifts - HOW to do it safely ? Do tell .

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Yeah sometimes I feel the shadow of the worries I had but got over. It usually happens when things are going well, like the mind was expecting chaos 😂

Safely? Not pushing yourself, take baby steps. They add up!

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Jun 7Liked by Devaraj Sandberg

To me, the idea of machinic assemblages seems congruent with Transactional Analysis or even Family Systems Therapy - in the former, ego states are autonomous entities, in the latter it's 'parts' - both of which I've used alongside body-based self therapy with some success. I can also highly recommend Jack Willis' book on Reichian self therapy for tackling both the body-based and cognitive sides, with the caveat that the exercises are pretty full on.

The notion that raising the overall energetic level can lead to breakthrough experiences also chimes with me. A combination of Wim Hof breathwork, yoga and couples therapy around two years ago led to a profoud series of insights and a shift in my baseline levels of energy from which there's been very little backsliding.

Do you think it's the cognitive work that cements the breakthrough achieved through energetic work?

I'm sorry to miss your workshop next weekend - I'm training in Pulsing - hopefully I'll get to meet you next time.

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Interesting. I mean, I like IFS and use it a little with clients, or subpersonalities, as we used to call it. However, the thing with Deleuze's machines is that it's not anthropomorphic, which both IFS and TA are. So I doubt he would have been down with either.

Breakthrough experiences are interesting. But I suspect that cognitive work can drag people back as much as hold them forward. I think breakthrough plus some level of heart-opening is good for cementing change as you see more possibilities in life.

Thanks for posting and I'll be happy to meet you if you come to a workshop.

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