I was thinking about GOD - ie the idea of god the other day . I realized that god is the entire part of reality that is not self , then , god is the mystical magical miracle , the lightening strike that penetrates reality from no where , unasked for . After that , god has a third aspect which is growing self knowing and in that , relational . The first god is mysterious and distant , the lightening bolt god is energetic and all powerful and the third kind of story is relational and balanced , and creates deep security and peace . I think in people who believe in government , ( I believe in god way before I believe in governmental leadership ) they are going to experience one of these relationships with their government / non government . In a way , it sounds like that peacefullness has arrived inside of the elimination of the first two gods , and that is creating good humor , laughter , and truly human experience . ( Which is what we are here to be ! )

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I think as infants, at some point, our mind basically learns to identify self/not-self.

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I think that not self becomes a mysterious span of reality , which the religions quickly lay claim to , and work at descriptive language that then propogates that empty field with , well , perhaps a lily or two , but usually many weeds . "Burn the field " shouts the prophetess ! "Clear the path for new growth !" I was an infant surrounded by idiots . I was both self , and the observer of the meanlessness of the behavior of the other . Once , for reals , I was in a sixth grade health class , maybe I was about 10 , and the teacher said that if you put your cheek to the ear of the person who you were going to do CPR on , you could feel their breath coming out of their ear . I raised my hand . She argued with me . That was about the essence of the whole show . When I had my kids , I said " I would rather their minds are empty rather than being filled with confusion , confusion that needs to be erased . I think that "God " approaches us like this , he is so careful to not implant or impart anything that was not grown into , reached for , or desired . That empty space , that other , suddenly goes from " Not self " ( lie ) to " Unknown and as yet un discovered self "

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A rule of thumb: anything that acts like "deus ex machina" should be re-evaluated, and "god of the gaps" is not meant to be taken literally.

Complexity can be reasoned with, ambiguity requires some rhetorical clarity, but uncertainty should be let alone for those who are free. Not everything is "just that simple". (mixing VUCA quadrants with the SCAN framework) http://tetradianbooks.com/tag/scan/

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Feb 16, 2023·edited Feb 16, 2023Liked by Devaraj Sandberg

Cripes, looks precarious. Especially with with Ukraine and Russian oil/grain going offline. I hear Egypt similarly precarious position. We have heard about inflation in Turkey but no general awareness (if I am typical) of the precarious state of the Middle East (including Afghanistan and Iran). Feels like implosion impending.

Good fieldwork, btw!

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Wow! Sounds like a possible future for the rest of us. What made this as your place of your choice for your latest adventure?

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There is a certain prophetic air to the situation, I must admit, and a realisation that people can continue through the chaos. I picked up one Lebanese friend in Tbilisi and just thought I'd pop over for a month really.

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